With the sad Demise of Both of the English Language XT500 Forums(xt500forum.co.uk & the Yamaha-xt500.com) Last year A new Forum was started. This has been open to all Trail and Enduro Bikes of the XT500 Era and has gone by the Title http://www.trailbikeandenduroclassics.com Unfortunately (as we all know) #onda, Kawasaki etc owners do not love there bikes as much as XT500 owners do And due to 90% of the members owning XT500`s
a second address has been added http://www.xt500.co This is to become the new Primery address and will make the Forum easier to Find
So i would like to welcome you all to the English Language XT500 Forum, you can visit us at http://www.xt500.co or http://www.trailbikeandenduroclassics.com
See you Down the Road
The New English Language XT500 Forum
- Gelegenheitsposter
- Beiträge: 38
- Registriert: Mi Jan 26, 2011 14:01
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