2. international XT 500-meeting 2006
Title: „Come together !“
Where? Slovenia, 5222 Kobarid (Soca-Valley) Camping Lazar (at the old Napoleon-Bridge), GPS: N 46.15.318 E 013.35.164
When? From july,19th 2006 to july,26th 2006. Main weekend: from the21st to the 23rd july 2006.
Who? XT500-,TT500 and also HL500-riders from Europe or wordlwide.
What? The 2nd-meeting with celebrate, talking, looking for bikes and a lot of good aspalt- and offraod-tracks. On Saturday the 22nd a “come-together-tour” around this area.
Contact: Björn Grüßer bjoern@xt500.info (small italian,english,german) or Tom Zündel tom@tzwerbung.de (french, german,english).
- www.lazar-sp.si (camping-ground),
- www.kobarid.si (village) ,
- www.slovenia-tourism.si/?lng=4 (country) ,
- www.xt500.info/meetings/2006/2006.html (int. XT500-web),
- www.xt-500.de (also german-XT500-web).
If somebody interested about this area,landscape,history and tracks: search at web for "the great war 1915-1918 in alps" f.e: "Isonzo"
Please tell every XT500-Rider you know !
Urgent: The arrival, daparture, the stop & visit and trips at this meeting are on your own risk. there is no liability for anything.
Tschüss (means good bye in Hamburg) yours
Björn Grüßer
Kreutzkamp 16
21465 Reinbek
GPS: N53 30.485 E10 13.941
Mobil : 0049-177 - 322 11 33
Tel : 0049-40-72810790
web: www.xt500.info
mail: bjoern@xt500.info
2. international XT 500 meeting 2006
- Jonni
- Site Admin
- Beiträge: 1708
- Registriert: Sa Mai 17, 2003 19:25
- Wohnort: Hamburg
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2. international XT 500 meeting 2006
Zuletzt geändert von Jonni am Di Aug 08, 2006 14:10, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
- XTom
- XTom
- Beiträge: 2529
- Registriert: Do Mai 22, 2003 10:12
- Wohnort: Hamburg
- Kontaktdaten:
If you like further details about Slovenia, the camping or our plans,
click here:
Greetings - XTom
click here:
Greetings - XTom
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