BSM Enduro Silencer- Technical Document (ABE)

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BSM Enduro Silencer- Technical Document (ABE)

Beitragvon hpbrende » Do Dez 22, 2016 13:19

I have just bought my first XT500 H, 1981 and I am trying to get it approved by the Norwegian authorities. It has previously been approved both in the Netherlands and Sweden but :? :( ...............Anyway, the problem is the exhaust. It is an replacement silencer from BSM Enduro (e4 -78/1015-91006) and even if it is e-marked I am required to provide technical doc that prove that it is suited for an XT500 and copmply with the noise requirements.
I have contacted BSM but they went bankrupt in 2010 so it is not possible to get any papers from them.
Does anyone know where I can get a document that prove that this silencer is suited for an XT500 ?
Will an ABE provide the information I need ? If so, anyone that willing to help me with a copy ? I think a photo taken with a mobile phone will be good enough.

Thanks in advance,

XT500 picture: ... 25.JPG.jpg

BSM Enduro number: ... G_1419.jpg

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Re: BSM Enduro Silencer- Technical Document (ABE)

Beitragvon Hiha » Do Dez 22, 2016 13:34

sorry, but I couldn't find anything in my archive. Maybe there isn't anything about noise, because of the EG-ABE, which makes it unnecessary.

Btw: I would not recommend the BSM for the XT500, it causes high cylinder-head-temperatures and costs lots of power.


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Re: BSM Enduro Silencer- Technical Document (ABE)

Beitragvon hpbrende » Do Dez 22, 2016 13:48

Hi Hans,
Thanks for trying. Since it is e-marked it should be good enough for the authorities. However, as a minimum I need to prove that the silencer is made for an XT500 (and probably a lot of other models as well).

Btw: Thanks for the recomendation. I will keep this in mind when I start to renovate the bike. I can see that the forum has plenty of suggestions wrt replacment silencers.


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Re: BSM Enduro Silencer- Technical Document (ABE)

Beitragvon Jockel » Do Dez 22, 2016 19:27

Hi hpbrende,
It is an replacement silencer from BSM Enduro (e4 -78/1015-91006) and even if it is e-marked I am required to provide technical doc that prove that it is suited for an XT500 and copmply with the noise requirements.
Since they are out of business this might be tricky.
What kind of document is required exactly?
Would a German registration do as a proof?
I am not quite familiar with the law-stuff, but a registered European document could match this in case the Norwegian regulations approved it.

As Hiha said, I doubt to easily find someone with such an exhaust on the XT actually, but maybe there is an old document available.
Additionally we have an international dealer here in Hamburg, who might have suggestions.

Best regards

Zuversicht ist das Gefühl, das Du hast, kurz bevor du das Problem ganz verstehst.

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Registriert: Mi Dez 21, 2016 10:43

Re: BSM Enduro Silencer- Technical Document (ABE)

Beitragvon hpbrende » Do Dez 22, 2016 23:07

I just found this document online. ... 20kopi.jpg

My German is not perfect but it seems like it refers to som EU directive that states:
"It is not necessary for the owner of the vehicle to obtain a copy of the type-approval or a certificate of conformity if the installation is accompanied by approval marks ("E" number)".

This will be good enough if I now can document that this specific silencer is designed/ produced to be installed on a XT500. An ABE or a product specification would probably specify what I need.
Something like Sebring has produced for their Enduro 2 ... e_end2.pdf

I guess this will be difficult........


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Re: BSM Enduro Silencer- Technical Document (ABE)

Beitragvon Jockel » Do Dez 22, 2016 23:46

I just found this document online.
That is a good step.
My German is not perfect but it seems like it refers to som EU directive that states:
"It is not necessary for the owner of the vehicle to obtain a copy of the type-approval or a certificate of conformity if the installation is accompanied by approval marks ("E" number)".
My Norwegian is sure worse than your German.^^

You find the "Richtlinie 78/1015/EWG" were it points to here. You can even choose an English version.
In "Anhang II" is described the method of approval.
This will be good enough if I now can document that this specific silencer is designed/ produced to be installed on a XT500.
So far not.
An ABE or a product specification would probably specify what I need.
Yes, this would sure do.
I guess this will be difficult........
Well, maybe we can help a little.


edit: Just had a contact via TÜV Hanse - he might be able to find something...

edit2: No proceeding through January 8th - the guy is on vacation.
Zuversicht ist das Gefühl, das Du hast, kurz bevor du das Problem ganz verstehst.

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Re: BSM Enduro Silencer- Technical Document (ABE)

Beitragvon hpbrende » Mo Jan 09, 2017 19:57

Just received a German paper (EWG) that document that the BSM Enduro silencer was made for the XT500. Hopefully, this will be enough to give me a licence plate and get the bike on the road.

In case anyone else need it : ... ro_EWG.jpg


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Re: BSM Enduro Silencer- Technical Document (ABE)

Beitragvon Jockel » Mo Jan 09, 2017 20:22

Hey, that is great.
Seems to be exactly what you need.

I was less successful: This morning the TÜV-guy called me up and told me that there was nothing to be found on his database. He suggested to call the Kraftfahrtbundesamt in Flensburg.
There I found a friendly clerk who anyway had no documents on that matter, but we figured that the firm was Dutch and did not apply for this registration at any German ministry (there are 16 here, one each for every "Bundesland"...) but at the RDW in the Netherlands.

My call there was deeply disappointing: The lady talking to me was absolutely numb and had neither an idea where to find anything ("I don't know. Ask the manufacturer." "The manufacturer is out of business for years." "But you must ask him." "Impossible. But who has issued the permit?" "I don't know.") nor even would ask anybody else who might.
So, I wrote them a mail, which is so far unanswered.

Anyway, you seem to have everything.
Please tell us, if it worked out.
Zuversicht ist das Gefühl, das Du hast, kurz bevor du das Problem ganz verstehst.

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Registriert: Mi Dez 21, 2016 10:43

Re: BSM Enduro Silencer- Technical Document (ABE)

Beitragvon hpbrende » Mo Jan 23, 2017 15:15

The papers I received was good enough and the bike was finaly approved.
I have got my licence plate.

Thanks for your effort Jockel, highly appreciated.
Now I can pull the bike into pieces and start restoring it.

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Re: BSM Enduro Silencer- Technical Document (ABE)

Beitragvon Jockel » Mo Jan 23, 2017 17:01

Hey Helge,

the people at the Dutch RDW wrote again today (08.42), suggesting:
In case of problems with the re-registration of a vehicle in another EU member state, the RDW would like to communicate directly with the authority concerned with the admittance of vehicles in that country. It has turned out that when the communication goes through the owner of a vehicle it often leads to confusion, which we would like to prevent.

Besides that the RDW gives interpretation to the interpretative notification SEC (2007) 169 from 14-2-2007 in which the European Commission desires that member states collaborate amongst one another to make the re-registration of vehicles easier. The e-mail adres is
As BSM used to be a Dutch enterprise, I had asked for an administrative contact: In the process of admission some document predeeding the
COC/CVO must have been issued by some authority in the Netherlands.
In fact they are stonewalling.

Glad to hear you are done with papers and beginning to work on the "hardware".

Anyway, this might serve somebody else less lucky than you.

All the best

Zuversicht ist das Gefühl, das Du hast, kurz bevor du das Problem ganz verstehst.

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Registriert: Do Okt 14, 2021 19:28

Re: BSM Enduro Silencer- Technical Document (ABE)

Beitragvon AGR » Do Okt 14, 2021 19:39

Just received a German paper (EWG) that document that the BSM Enduro silencer was made for the XT500. Hopefully, this will be enough to give me a licence plate and get the bike on the road.

In case anyone else need it : ... ro_EWG.jpg

Hi Helge

It’s been a few years since you post, I hope you are still online :)

I am having the same situation trying to pass an MOT in Italy. They want to see documentation too. I see that you posted a link to what could be a useful document but the link ends in an error. Do you still have a copy of the document?
Italian bureaucracy is driving me around in circles :roll:

Many thanks

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Re: BSM Enduro Silencer- Technical Document (ABE)

Beitragvon Jockel » Do Okt 14, 2021 22:35

Hej Alex,
I see that you posted a link to what could be a useful document but the link ends in an error. Do you still have a copy of the document?
I am insecure whether this one might be it.
It's a doc by BSM Germany saying that BSM 5751 ist made for the XT 500.
Italian bureaucracy is driving me around in circles :roll:
That is what bureaucrats are doing all over the world.
Hold out!

Best regards

Zuversicht ist das Gefühl, das Du hast, kurz bevor du das Problem ganz verstehst.

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Registriert: Do Okt 14, 2021 19:28

Re: BSM Enduro Silencer- Technical Document (ABE)

Beitragvon AGR » Do Okt 14, 2021 23:59

Hej Alex,

I am insecure whether this one might be it.
It's a doc by BSM Germany saying that BSM 5751 ist made for the XT 500.

That is what bureaucrats are doing all over the world.
Hold out!

Best regards

That should do it, thanks for replying so quickly!
I also have a verification document for my XT500 from the Italian association ASI. It states that it is within the legal limits of the law. So far the testing station has refused to acknowledge that. It was something that all historic vehicles have to do if they are imported to Italy. So they force me to do it but then don’t accept it. The various departments do not communicate with each other and use different rule books.

Thanks again, I will report back with what happens next.

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Registriert: Do Okt 14, 2021 19:28

Re: BSM Enduro Silencer- Technical Document (ABE)

Beitragvon AGR » Fr Okt 15, 2021 0:04

And for reference here is the silencer on my XT500G 1980 3H7

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Re: BSM Enduro Silencer- Technical Document (ABE)

Beitragvon knorri » Mo Dez 27, 2021 22:53

Heia Helge,

Congratulations to your license plate...but: So many questions, so many brainstorming, so many time for the worst exhaust you can fit on a XT500.
There is a reason, why BSM is out of business now.
Look for a better opportunity. You will find a lot information in this Community. Search for the
german words "Auspuff" "Endtopf". "Schalldämpfer"

Good luck.

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