In search of an easy to deal with shipping company

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In search of an easy to deal with shipping company

Beitragvon XT-Star » So Mär 10, 2024 14:06

Hi there XT aficionados international

I was wondering if anyone is reading along here who has a decent connection to an international shipping company for some freight --> United States to Europe, door to door including all the preparations stateside as well as customs paperwork required.

After returning from Good Ole Murica™ more than ten years ago, we're still trying to get some of our most cherished household items over here to Switzerland, the amount of which would approximately fill a crate as big as a motorcycle and weigh just about as much, hence my idea to ask in this place.

So, if you're in the business of importing a bike from there every so often, I'd appreciate any pointers and hints.

Thx & Cheers, Dan.
Liebe auf den ersten Blick anno 1976 - und immer noch verknallt.

Beiträge: 16
Registriert: Do Jan 18, 2024 14:43

Re: In search of an easy to deal with shipping company

Beitragvon Staubteufelchen » So Mai 12, 2024 16:02

Hi Dan,
international working companies from your homecountry, should know a shipping-company, that ,how to ship to Switzerland or the European Community. Intime in Hamburg could at least help, to ship to Germany. From the EC to Switzerland should be managable for yourself.
Good luck,

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